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Teaching HCI in South Asia: Designing inclusive HCI Curriculum

Learning  Human Computer Interaction broadens one’s mind to design innovative technologies that focus on Humans. HCI as a subject is widely available, accessible, and growing interest in Global North with the support of trained professionals and researchers. Although this trend is escalating in the Asia Pacific with the demand, exposure, and experience, the South Asian context faces challenges not only to populate the demand and interest in the subject but also when adopting the HCI methods in the curricular which has centered livelihood of Global North. We argue that the HCI curricular for South Asian Contexts needs much sensitivity to diversity due to a range of reasons such as varied literacy levels, availability of and access to technology, economic drivers, regional/cultural norms, and specifically the “user base” of people.

In this workshop, a group of HCI educators and practitioners representing diverse cultural contexts in South Asia will address these challenges by designing an inclusive HCI curriculum by understanding the landscape of HCI curriculums offered in the universities and institutions across the region while considering the demanded skills by key stakeholders.

The workshop invites interested educators and shares their HCI practices, brainstorm solutions which can be commonly adopted and populated in the region. At the end of the workshop, organizers envision establishing a working Group for Inclusive HCI Curriculum Development Unit (ICDU) which will take sustainable and long term actions to address the challenges in the HCI curriculum for the South Asia region.

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1. Call for Participation

We invite participants to engage in discussions envisioning an inclusive HCI curriculum. If you have a passion for teaching or learning Human-Computer Interaction, we extend our invitation to take part in the India HCI 2020 Workshop on “Teaching HCI in South Asia: Designing inclusive HCI Curriculum”.

This 3-hours workshop will offer an interdisciplinary forum of discussion for both academics and practitioners interested in teaching and also learning HCI as a course and conducting research, building applications in the field of HCI using technology. This workshop focuses on three grand objectives to accomplish:

**Once adding your details to the above link, please officially register for Workshop from the main site.

Registration fee for the workshop is 1000 INRhttps://www.indiahci.org/2020/conference/registrations/

Submitting a Position paper:

Optionally, Researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry with an interest in teaching HCI as a subject are invited to submit a position paper.

The paper should be no more than  4 pages in the ACM Master Article Templates format. This position paper should provide an overview of curricular used to teach in the field of HCI, the pedagogies they incorporate and address if there are any challenges they encountered while teaching the HCI and desired changes and goals for the future of this interdisciplinary subject.

All submissions are reviewed based on the significant contributions they can offer to the 3 goals stated in the workshop proposal.

Position Paper Submission Details

Position papers and author information will be highlighted in the workshop website and subsequently added to a Medium post with the outcome and developed curricular will obtain Creative Common license to publish publicly and establish a Curriculum Development Committee – a working group for the region in developing and optimizing the HCI curriculum to the current demand.

Authors will also be included in the ACM Interactions article.

Position Paper format

 Use ACM Master Article Templates AND Publication Workflow for writing Position Paper.

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Participant Selection

Participants will be selected on the basis of the quality of their position paper, specifically mentioning their existing HCI curricular and/or desired changes.

**At least one author of each accepted paper must purchase the workshop ticket.

Participants will be invited to present their position statement at the workshop and will actively engage in interdisciplinary discourse. Based on the challenges and solutions, the outcome of this discussion will contribute to designing an inclusive curricular which can be adopted by the region in par with the global HCI curriculum.

2. Important Dates

3. Program

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Time (India Standard Time) Activity
9.00 -9.20 am  Introduction to the workshop by the organizers and roll call to the participants to introduce themselves. 
9.20 – 10.00 am Position paper Presentations. 
10.00 – 10.05 am  E-Tea session. 
10.05 – 11.00 pm Break Out rooms to brainstorm Inclusive HCI Curricular – Each Breakout room is facilitated by the Organizing team for note-taking and summarising the key outcomes – based on the presented challenges and landscape of HCI curriculum improvements and innovative ideas will be an exercise for rooms using Delphi method.
11.00 – 11.45 pm Synthesizing the Breakout room discussions into a common theme.
11.45 – 12.00 pm Establishing a Working Group for Inclusive HCI Curriculum Development Unit (ICDU) and rapping with future agenda and conclusion remarks. 

4. Organizers


Dilrukshi Gamage

Dilrukshi is a research scholar at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and the founding chair/chairperson at the Colombo SIGCHI chapter in Sri Lanka. 

Rucha Tulaskar

Rucha is a lead User Experience researcher and designer at Continuum Managed Services, Mumbai, India with around 19+ years of professional experience. 

Pranjal Jain

Pranjal is a Human-Centered Designer from Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology  and the Co-founder of theUXWhale, India.

Sayan Sarcar

Sayan is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. 


Nova Ahmed

Nova is an Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North South University, Bangladesh. 

Devanuj Balkrishan

Devanuj is a Associate Professor, JK Lakshmipat University. His research interests are primarily oriented towards Emergent Users (Next Billion Users).

Suleman Shahid

Suleman is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Lahore University of Management Science (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan. 

Rahat Jahangir Rony

Rahat is a Research Assistant at North South University, Bangladesh.

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About IndiaHCI2020

IndiaHCI 2020 is the 11th edition of the international conference series on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Design and Research. To know more, click here.


ACM SIGCHI Sponsored